Staking Tutorials

You can stake tokens and view your rewards at the Staking & Rewards page

Stake KLP:

After buying KLP, KLP tokens will be automatically staked and rewards will be distributed proportionately. Staking KLP, will entitle you to receive platform fees distributed in ETH / BNB and earn esKTC Rewards.

Stake KTC:

Before staking KTC, please make sure you have purchased KTC. You may purchase KTC here.

Then you can stake KTC in your wallet at the Staking & Rewards page, click "Stake"

When you are staking KTC, you can receive esKTC, ETH / BNB and Multiplier Points every second at respective annual percentage rates (APR).

Stake $esKTC:

you can stake esKTC in your wallet at the Staking & Rewards page, click "Stake". The rewards for staking esKTC is same as staking $KTC.

Compound vs Claim:


Compounding allows you to automatically stake your pending Multiplier Points and $esKTC rewards, which then increases the amount of rewards you receive.

It's a quick way to stake the $KTC and $esKTC rewards and claim the $ETH rewards into your wallet


Claiming will transfer the pending $esKTC rewards and $ETH/$BNB rewards to your wallet.

The fees distributed are based on the number after deducting referral rewards and the network costs of keepers, keeper costs are usually around 1% of the total fees.

More info be seen on the Tokenomics.

Last updated